Monday, May 10, 2010

When does it end?

I have spent much of the last couple of weeks reading others people's blogs about running and have got very high hopes for my season ahead. I have written on this blog before about wanting to change it up and a a long term plan to qualify for Boston. Like many of the great bloggers out there, I love to run. I like the feeling of achievement, I like the exileration of running in different types of weather and I love the felling of fintness and health that you have after a particularly challengin run.

For people who dont run, it is actually really hard o put it into words, there is something so 'exciting' about lacing up your trainers and heading out the door. As I did this very thing yesterday in my new (old) Mizunos' I felt strong, I felt motivated, I was hydrated and I was chomping at the bit to get to the park. Here I am, (courtesy of Lauren), about to head out of the door...

I set off and although it was hot (about 30 degrees) I felt strong. I jogged very slowly down to the park (about 1k) and then I stretched out well and really workd on loosening my ankles. Once I felt good and stretched, I set off on the rubber track to comlete my first 1300m loop.

As soon as I set off, I knew that it was not going to be good. I was starting to get a cramp in my calf and my shin really hurt AGAIN.  Was it yesterdays walk? Was it poor shoes? Whatever is effecting my shin (left side) is also causing me to now over-compensate and is therefor putting undue stress on my calf muscle.  My new shoes are definetly a stronger more stable fit for me and they really feel like they are supporting me  where I need support. 

Runners who cannot run will be able to relate to how I am feeling right now. Frustration is the closest word to describe it, but i dont even think that this does it justice. I am starting to think that I need to stay off it for a solid month, but even that seems like a lifetime. I completed 2 laps of the park yesterday and knew I just had to give it a rest. I really dont know what i can do next???Physio? RICER? lay about?

I am soooo wound up right now. The running gods are not with me and I have to stay off my feet for a month, which is about three and a half weeks longer than I have to and three weeks longer than I proably will.

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