Sunday, February 28, 2010

February Dismal Stats

I have swum two and a half times: about 3400m in total
I have been out for one mountain bike ride.
I have not been out on my road bike at all.
I have been doing my push ups (the only real positive in February)
I have run 7 times with a total of about 62k.

This I feel is pathetic.March has GOT to be better if I want to do those PBs

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A blog to follow

A few months ago I found and started to follow Soctt Dunlap's brilliant blog about Trail Running, and the various road races he enters. Wow that guy is fast and always seems so happy!  Anyway, i have been feeling a little out of sorts with my training so far, especially this month. Whenever I need a boost of motivation I read his blog. The post i just read about a recent 1:14 half marathon really makes me want to get out my trainers and start running again

you can read his post here

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I have been doing this routine (from their website) now for three weeks and it is amazing how much better i am getting already. This morning I did the following set:

22 (45 second break)
30 (120 second break)
20 (120 second break)
20 (100 second break)

My arms are now dead-weights pulling at my sides, but i really feel that this workout is helping me with my swimming. I jumped in the pool last night and did a warm up of 300m. I then took about two minutes and a couple of good mouthfuls of gatorade before going back and doing a straight steady set of 1000m without the normal arm and shoulder fatigue i normal suffer from.  Of all of the triathlon distances, this is the one that I really need to work on but the push ups seem to be making a big difference.

As a note of caution, last week i did my push ups before getting into the poll and i lasted about 400m in total and simply had nothing left in my arms- NOT a good morale booster!

Monday, February 15, 2010

weeks in summary

Two weeks have gone by and I am trying to remind myself occassionally to post on this blog. I havent given the address to many people, but i do need to remind myself that I am writing about running as much as a reminder to run as anything else.

I have run about 30k in two weeks and had a good swim. I am not trying to bust it and am very much focussed on getting back in shape and building up my base. In the same two weeks, I have spent a few days in Beijing in China where I was able to get a  couple of good runs in (8k and 10k) and finshed at the end of the week with a 23.54 5k which is not too shabby.