Monday, March 22, 2010

Where does time go?

When I started running a few years ago, I was fat. And i had more time.

When i think back to those days, I had loads of time to train and I worked hard. Only, I didnt know very much about training. Knowing what I know now, I probably wouldn't have done so many slow miles. I did a lot of 10k runs. Slow and steady.  These were a great to start to build up some stamina, but when I was marathon training for my first full, I had loads of time on my hands, I wasn't travelling for work and I was bored a lot. I didnt think about Fartlek or intervals or even basic strength training.

These days, this is all I think about. They key to this sentence is the word "think because I am sitting in a hotel room in Jakarta having just taken an hour out to do a run and have just noticed that it is almost the end of March and I have not been running "EVERY DAY" like i used too... where does time go? Now all I seem to have time for is my standard 5k or 10k's building up my stamina and base. Not that that is a bad thig, but I have to find a way to do more.

My run this evening was great. I warmed up with 1500m slow jog and then a  good stretch. Then I jumped back on the treadmill and did a full 60 mins at 10k per hour with a low steady heartbeat. Nice! I felt great and at no point did i weaken, or get tired or feel any sort of fatigue in my legs. I think this might be a sign to step it up. I even had enough energy left to do three sets of twenty push ups at the end whilst I was stretching out my calves and hamstrings. This is the sort of evening after-work workout I need to do more of. 

Wednesday I am planning to go for a 22 minute 5k. I must remember to drink loads of water on Tuesday and Wednesday!

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