Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New York Marathon - 4 weeks to go.

I never realise how grumpy i am when I dont run until I am running again. And boy, did I have a grumpy couple of weeks.

On Friday evening last week, after almost two weeks of not running and two weeks of holding an ice pack on my calf, i set off with butterflies in my stomach to test my calf. I knew within 300 metres that it was OK and that I done enough. I had been so nervous and anxious to know if i would be going to NY that I hadn't really thought about anything else for days. I ran with my friend Will for about 3 miles before calling it a day - knowing i had done enough.

On Saturday I opted to do a long swim and save my legs for a Sunday run.

On Sunday, i knew that i wasn't up for the race I signed up for, so i stayed in bed and rested. When i got up, the sun was up and it was a nice day. I had a big breakfast, lots of hydration and took some time to do a few little chores around the house. Within an hour i was ready to go and i set off to do a medium-long run around the neighbourhoods and (critically) within sight of the local park and water fountain.

I wont pretend that it was easy, but i banged out 20km and my legs felt pretty good. I know i have lost a lot of key training fitness over the last three weeks which will hurt in NY, but at least I am running again, pain free. There were times when it got pretty hot, but i filled up on water and had a packet of GU Chomps as i ran, trying to ensure that i didn't get anymore dehydration cramps.

Today (Tuesday morning) I am a little stiffer than i would normally be after a 20km run, but i put that down to having gone from 0 to 20km in a pretty much straight shot.

I am ready for NY? Absolutely not. Am I going to NY? Definitely yes. Am I going to enjoy it? Without a doubt!

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