Saturday, May 28, 2011

Equipment that changed my life

First it was the new Garmin. Now it is my new water belt.
Let me start by saying i have never liked running with a hydro pack. Particularly in this climate. It really drives up my body temperature and as often as not, i am needing water just a time when i am not want to suck down on a hose coming from over my shoulder.

Then I bought myself a North Face Enduro Belt 2. It is Awesome.
This piece of equipment has really changed my life. I am able to plan longer routes without needing a refill and the belt is comfortable and really easy to slip bottles into on the move. I actually took out the two TNF bottles that it came with as they were a little small and upsized them to two regular bike bottles that it just fine. Really reccomend this!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New York New York.

I got a space in the New York Marathon. Third time lucky.

I came to know about it when i was looking at my credit card statement and saw this USD charge (for quite a lot) and it was to NYCM. What is that i thought. A space in one of the greatest races on Earth! Absolutely.

Cant wait until November. It will be awesome. Better get training!